from a dream to reality...

Almaw Molla , Founder - February 2020
“Having coffee in cafes and restaurants for years, we became sick and tired of seeing more and more coffee grounds being needlessly sent to landfill. We set out with the simple ambition of finding a use for coffee beyond the usual morning pick-me-up and bringing new life to what was previously viewed as waste. and I kept understanding and researching it's potential niche market and create an innovative idea will turn to an actual business. And that’s how COFFEE RESURRECT™ was initiated …”
​Seblegenet Aklilu, Co - Founder
“As an expert working 6 years of my time in coffee industry seeing those grounds thrown away in landfills was waste of environment and valuable money but one day having chat with the impact entrepreneur Almaw… we just put it in to COFFEE RESURRECT ™ the next phenomenal firm in a coffee industry history